Specialising in Home Bred English Springer Spaniel Puppies for Companions and Family Pets
Frequently Asked Questions

How many Springers do you have?
My website is up to date with who is in my pack of Bluebell Springers.
I have a licence for 7 adult Bitches and I have my Stud Dog and sometimes growing pups in training. Once health tested and trained may join our pack. I like to keep my own Bluebell lines, so i retire my health tested Boys every 2/3 years to maintain healthy breeding.

How many litters do you have?
My Dogs have a maximum of 4 KC litters in a lifetime, (1 litter a year). Sometimes i retire my Dogs early if having pups is not for them or i decided to keep a Pup for best practice. I have 8 Springers under licence. Litters vary depending on my dogs best needs.

Can i go on the waiting List?
I no longer keep a waiting list. I have a subscribe button to follow updates on my website if you wish to keep in touch.
I prefer people to have already done their research and apply for a pup when they are ready and able. I do not participate in the decision making process and rely on new Owners to be researched and ready for a dog. I do not breed to order and cannot guarantee availability. Please get in touch, when i have a dog that you really want.

How do I apply for a puppy?
I have an application form on my website for both Pups and adults. The form is short and ensures that anyone who has applied has thought about taking on a Dog seriously and is in a position to proceed. I ask for email, contact number, name and address so i can transfer microchip, register insurance and set up puppy paperwork.

Do you retire your Dogs?
Yes I actively seek loving forever homes for Bluebell Adult Springers. It is essential they get love, attention and companionship and are able to put their paws up. I sometimes get dogs for rehoming and will help them transition, train and settle.
Some people prefer trained adults who will fit into their lifestyles and less of a commitment than Puppies.

What Springers do you have available?
My website and application forms are up to date with Springer availability. On hold means, interest is taken. Reserved means deposit has been received to secure the dog. Available means they can be secured and Ready means ready now. I only take applications for puppies once they are born onwards.

Do you walk your Dogs?
Yes My Bluebell pack are often walked in our rented fields as a pack or for individual training. We are often seen in woods and Cornish Beaches. I've posted videos on social media if you fancy checking it out. Our pack is just as much part of the family and loved for being individual characters.

Do you health test your Dogs?
Yes I DNA health test my dogs using the foresight Pet Genetics lab full test for Springer Spaniels. My dogs are hereditary clear for Fucos/ PFKD/ AMS and others. I provide proof of health testing with every dog purchased. My dogs are chosen for good looks, temperament, history of parental health, good pedigree with minimal inbreeding. No Animal or person is perfect, but i do my upmost to ensure the best welfare in my Dogs.

Any other Questions?
Please contact me on email or WhatsApp and I will get back to you when I can.
Please allow time for me to reply. I prefer to spend my days with my Dogs and family and cannot keep up with so many messages and provide the best care for everyone. WA 07465264030